Work At Home Doing Medical Transcriptions!


The evolution of Medical Transcription over the past few years has opened up new vistas of career opportunities for so many. Nowadays many people are known to earn a good living for themselves in this field. One must introspect within himself before pursuing a career as a medical transcriptionist because though it offers good money and flexible timings in addition to the facility of working from home, it demands a great deal of understanding of procedures and requires formal training before commencing work. The understanding of medical terminology is required to so an effective job. The terminology pertains to anatomy, pharmacology, diagnostic procedures, treatment assessments, etc.

The first thing to understand is what exactly is medical transcription? In the course of their work, doctors and other healthcare professionals dictate the recordings of various things including physical examination observations, the history of the patient, operative reports, referral insurance sample cancellation letter, discharge summaries, observations of the imaging data and so on.

A medical transcriptionist would then listen to these recordings and transcribe them into medical reports, correspondence, etc. The person would need to listen to a segment of recording, pause, key in what is said, playback to check, before moving on to the next segment. Often some editing is required to correct grammar and improve the clarity.

The transcribed document is then sent back to the health care provider for his sign-off who reviews it for accuracy. These documents are needed as a part of the patient's medical history records and in some cases his insurance records.

Many private institutes, education programs, colleges and vocational schools offer post-secondary training in medical transcription, sometimes as distance education courses. But these formal, certified degrees do not ensure a complete understanding of the job. Often a year of practical knowledge or a home-study course is needed to pick up the necessary practical knowledge for a transcriptionist's job. Medical transcription work does call for certain skills and mindsets. Apart from basic computer skills, you must have an eye for detail. One also needs excellent listening skills and grammar skills. Apart from this good typing speed along with the recording is also important. Working from home demands that you be comfortable about working alone and meeting deadlines.

The job profile includes working in hospitals, laboratories, physician's offices, firms offering transcription services, government medical facilities and so on. There is work on an individual contract basis too. Or you could work from home and you'll find that many employers offer work-at-home facilities for transcriptionists. Working from home requires some mandatory equipment like a computer with a medical spellchecker, printer, a transcriber and some medical reference books. A word expander utility is also available which avoids the work of actual typing. With ample experience a transcriptionist moves up to supervisory positions which include editing work, teaching and consulting.

The demand for medical transcription services is likely to keep growing owing to the growth in health practices and hospitals and the need insurance sample cancellation letter for standardization of records. Every person entering the medical transcriptionist profession should carefully analyze the pros and cons of this field before venturing into it. Although the job is demanding and requires training, medical transcription provides a rewarding and fulfilling career if you're up to it.

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If Stopped For D.u.i.,Should I Do The Field Sobriety Exercises And Give A Breath Sample?


Ok, so you are out for an evening on the town, you go to a few bars and have drinks at each stop. You notice the hour is getting late and you decide it's time to go. You hop into your trusty car and off you go. You feel great! As you are driving you do not notice that a marked unit has fallen in behind you( kinda like a shark closing in on a meal). All of the sudden you notice the emergency flashers in your rear view mirror and you carefully pull the car over. The officer approaches you and asks for your driver's license and you nervously look for it in your wallet.

The officer then leans in and says "have you been drinking"?

You now have a problem! Once that officer smells the odor of the alcoholic beverage (alcohol itself is odorless)he will be on you just like the aforementioned shark! He will be watching everything you do. From the way, you retieve your driver's license, insurance sample cancellation letter card or proof of registration. If you have trouble locating them he will write that in his report ( he might write it in his report even if you don't have a problem locating these items). The officer will ask you how many drinks you had. Well, it is always better to say one or two rather than 6 or 8. He will ask you to step out of the car. When you step out don't lean against the car. If you do the officer will say you had to lean against the car for support. Even though on cross examination he will admit he never told you NOT to lean against the car. He will ask you a few more questions and then get down to it! He will ask you to perform the field sobriety exercises. In Florida the typical exercises are the HGN( where a pen is held up in front of you and you follow the pen with your eyes and the officer is watching for the onset of nystagmus( the "N" in HGN). Actually, this exercise is not admissible in Broward, Palm Beach, Martin,Okeechobee, st Lucie and Indian River counties. Another is the walk and turn, also called the walk the line . This is where the officer places you in the start position and you are required to stay in the position while he gives you instructions. If you step out he makes a note of it. You will be required to walk 9 steps out, pivot and return to the start, touching heel to toe. If you do not touch heel to toe, the officer will make a note, if you do not take the correct number of steps the officer will make a note. If you do not pivot correctly the officer will make a note. If you stop the officer will make a note. If.... oh, you understand do you.

Another exercise is the one leg stand. Where you hold one leg up and count 1001,1002, 1003, usually up to 30. The officer will tell you to start if you put your leg down the officer will make a note. If you switch legs the officer will make a note. If you hop the officer will make a note of it. Another exercise is the finger to nose. This where your legs are together, eyes closed, and you touch your fingers to your nose as the officer calls which arm for you to use. Easy, right? Wrong! If you do not move your arms exactly as demonstrated you have done the exercise wrong! If you do not touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of your nose, you have done it wrong! Of course the officer makes a note of it. Another exercise is the Rhomberg-Alphabet. This is where you say the ABCs without singing them. If you miss a letter the officer makes a note of it. If you sing it or go to fast the officer makes a note of it. All done, he will let you go right? Wrong! The officer now places you under arrest and you are transported to the breath testing unit.

During the trip to the jail the officer may attempt to engage you in a conversation. Don't be sucked in. He is not your friend! He will not let you go!. There is also the possibility that he has a dash mounted camera with audio and is recording everything. Of course, it will all be used against you. When you arrive at the station the officer will complete his paperwok and put you on camera. Again, you are being videotaped and it will be used against you. Routine booking questions, such as your name, age, address, hair and eye color, weight etc. All routine but if you stumble it presents a problem. Then he gets to the real reason he will ask for a sample of breath. If you blow and you blow over .08 you are giving powerful ammunition to the state. If you have had more than two drinks I would suggest that you not give a sample of breath.

So he asks and you refuse. The officer will then read you implied consent, which essentially says you have been arrested for D.U.I and that if you refuse to blow your license will be suspended by the DMV for 12 months and if you have a prior refusal for 18 months and if you have a prior refusal then a separate charge of "refusing to blow" may be filed by the Office of the State Attorney. I would suggest that you not blow if you have had more than 2 drinks. It is written up as a refusal and then the officer reads Miranda to you. You think Miranda is rather late. Not so according to The Florida Supreme Court. The officer does not have to read Miranda to you until after you give a breath insurance sample cancellation letter or refuse to. Oh, don't answer his questions and ask for a lawyer. As a matter of fact if you can remember to ask for a lawyer do so back when he asks for a saample of breath. No, you are not entitled to one, but it looks good on tape that you asked for one.

You will then be processed and held for 8 hours(it is statutory). If a Palm Beach County resident you will be released without posting a bond. If you are an out of county resident there will be a monetary bond required.

Bottom line here is do not drink and drive! But if you do just remember that everything you do is being observed. Maybe you wish to place your proof of insurance and registration and driver's license all together in a place that you can readily find it. Don't admit to more than 2 beers, don't perform the field sobriety exercises and do not give a sample of breath and do not answer the officers questions,other than the routine booking questions.

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How And When To Cancel Insurance


Deciding to cancel your insurance is serious business, and shouldn't be taken lightly. Although different states and companies have differing policies on how to cancel an insurance policy, an insurance cancellation letter is always your safest bet. Few companies like loosing business, so some may make it a bit difficult to cancel your policy. A cancellation letter serves to cancel your policy and you can keep a copy for your records, in the event that the insurance company tries to give you a hard time.

You may be wondering; what exactly is an insurance sample cancellation letter? Luckily, there are sample insurance cancellation letters online. These examples will make sure that you give the pertinent information to the insurance company. The last thing you want to do is send a letter that doesn't actually cancel your insurance policy. Basing your letter on a good sample insurance cancellation letter works, because they usually display the common information that most insurance companies need to see. However, to be on the safe side, you should contact the insurance company to see if there is any additional information needed. No insurance company wants to lose a good client. However, if they can't talk you out of the cancellation with more enticing incentives, they most certainly will help to cancel.

Sample insurance cancellation letters provide information such as, why you are deciding to cancel your policy, your address, the type of policy, policy number, and your signature. It is highly important that you sign the letter, preferably in blue or black ink. Sample insurance cancellation letters also ensures that you sound professional. People have a tendency to give too much personal information, without getting to the point. After you have typed or written your cancellation letter; you need to send it to the insurance company. If possible, send the letter by certified mail or fax it to the insurance company; so, you are sure that it was received by the insurance company. You may also want to call the company to verify that there is nothing else that you need to do. Again, there are chances that the insurance might try to talk you out of cancelling. But if your completely satisfied with your reasons for cancelling, and do not want to reconsider, then stick to your gun.

Now, that you understand what an insurance sample cancellation letter is, and how to cancel your insurance. You need to consider when to cancel your insurance. Thanks to a few devastating national disasters, insurance has become a vital asset. So, you should cancel when you find comparable coverage at a competitive price. Another good reason to cancel insurance is if you discover that you are paying for coverage that you no longer need. For example, most people choose to cancel collision and/or comprehension on their auto insurance when their vehicle becomes more than 5 years old. The important thing to do before canceling your insurance is to make sure that you will be covered when things go wrong. Not having insurance, or letting your coverage expire without renewal is not always a good idea. Stay covered if you can help it.

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